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Plunge CEO Ryan Duey Goes to Sleep Thinking About the Roman Empire

The 38-year-old shares the personal and professional habits that helped him build a cold-plunge empire

The Sport of Spacing Out

Ready, set, relax: in Asian countries, thousands of burnt-out adults now gather for competitions to do as little as possible

Eat Your Veggies? We (Probably) Know How You Voted.

America is more polarized than ever — down to how we stock our fridges

Have We Reached Peak Human Life Expectancy?

A new study suggests aging has its limits

A New Lung Cancer Treatment Dramatically Slowed Its Growth

The FDA approved the treatment earlier this year

Scientists Made a Breakthrough Using CRISPR for Autoimmune Diseases

The next question: can it be replicated on a larger scale?

A Day at the Wellness Club Where Wealthy Texans Biohack Their Bodies

Body scans, red-light therapy, neural stimulation — I tried it all at Canyon Ranch

The Emerging “Planetary Health Diet,” Explained

According to Harvard experts, eating well bodes well for the environment

Let’s Talk About Healthy Fats

Because they're important for your brain, heart and body

The Gospel of Contrast Bathing

Sauna, ice bath, repeat. Here's how the wellness world got obsessed with cycling between hot and cold.

A Guide to Building Muscle Mass Over the Age of 40

It's possible to replicate (or even topple) 20-year-old you. Here's how.

What We Learned From Harvard’s New Study on Healthy Aging

Seven lessons for those looking to eat better and live longer

Can One Protein Make a Difference in Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease?

Recent studies point to the benefits of a protein called Reelin