Does Hypnosis Work as a Mental Health Treatment?

A lot can depend on the patient and the therapist

Therapist hypnotizing patient

Scientists are discovering new benefits from hypnosis.

By Tobias Carroll

In the not-so-distant past, hypnosis made the leap from pulp trope and dinner theater device to something that could be used to improve people’s lives. A number of ex-smokers have spoken about the role hypnosis played in getting them to quit smoking, for instance — but that isn’t the only issue that hypnosis has been found to be effective with. In a 2021 piece for The Guardian, Deborah Frances-White chronicled using hypnosis to help her become more organized, writing that “I’m almost angry at how easy it is.”

It turns out that hypnosis can be effective at addressing a number of mental issues. In 2023, Hannah Seo reported at the New York Times about hypnosis’s range — citing everything from sleeping problems to irritable bowel syndrome as conditions that hypnosis can help address. Hypnosis has also shown signs of helping to address PTSD, as well as some conditions that can accompany it.

According to Seo’s reporting, there are some significant caveats here. One is that the effectiveness of hypnotism can vary dramatically depending on both the skill of the practicioner and the patient’s capacity to be hypnotized. The experts Seo spoke with also pointed out that hypnosis can be more effective when done in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy.

In a recent article for The Conversation, David Acunzo, Ph.D. — who teaches at the University of Virginia — explained his own findings regarding hypnosis and why it works. “[I]t appears that hypnotic suggestions do not act directly on our executive functions, but rather on our self-monitoring functions,” Dr. Acunzo writes.

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Acunzo also points out that hypnosis will not work equally for all conditions. For serious depression, he notes, multiple sessions will likely be required; for other issues, a shorter treatment might suffice. He also emphasizes the importance of finding the right hypnotist to work with. It may not be quite the same thing as seeking out a more traditional doctor, but many of the same principles still hold true.

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